Marc Walker of Reno, Border Patrol Agent

From 2002 to 2007, Marc Walker of Reno was pleased to serve the United States as a Border Patrol Agent.  Through this job he was granted the authority to enforce federal customs, immigration, and drug laws under Title 19, 21, and 8 of the Code of Federal Regulations. This meant that Marc Walker of Reno spent a lot of time both in metropolitan areas and out in the wilderness, making sure that the borders were secure.


Being a Border Patrol Agent requires a high degree of professionalism and poise. Working with the Border Patrol can actually be a hazardous occupation at times, but Marc Walker of Reno was able to complete his duties and make sure that the border to the United States from Mexico was as secure as possibly could be. The US-Mexican border is notorious for being a dangerous place; there are thousands of people trying to cross the border illegally every month. There is also the danger from drug cartels and other individuals with malicious intent.


The good news is that people like Marc Walker of Reno exist in order to help keep the borders safe in a professional and efficient manner. Part of the reason why Marc Walker of Reno puts such a high premium on his physical health is because it helped him be a better Border Patrol Agent. It would have been very difficult to be effective had Marc Walker of Reno not been able to keep up with the individuals who are trying to conduct illegal activity along the country’s border.


Marc Walker of Reno no longer works with the US Border Patrol, but he looks back on his time at this job fondly. He was a professional and well-respected Border Patrol Agent who was able to execute his job with maximum efficiency. He has carried the lessons in professionalism and excellence he learned with the US Border Patrol to his place of previous employment, which is also in the law enforcement field.

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